"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."
Rudyard Kipling
Need a writer, copywriter or author for your book, article, report, website... ?
Archetype has the skills to effectively and clearly communicate your message to your target audience.
Archetype has extensive experience in collating a wide range of information from a variety of disciplines, from the sciences to the arts, and presenting it in an easily readable format for both technical and lay people.
With an ability to write for a variety of document styles and audiences, Archetype can create suitable and successful text:
books - fiction or non-fiction,
copy for websites and newsletters,
promotional/advertising material,
corporate reports and procedural manuals,
advocacy documents,
annual reports,
discussion papers,
academic and scientific papers,
internal and progress reports and audits,
submissions and applications.
Sue Claridge has 20 years experience as scientific and technical writer, and specialises in distilling technical and scientific information, re-writing into a form that non-technical and lay people can read and understand with ease. See the Portfolio page for selected writing projects.
Archetype gets the words right!
"If Shakespeare required a word and had not met it in civilised dicourse,
he unhesitatingly made it up."
Amy Koppelman
Selected Writing Projects and Clients
Auckland Women's Health Council: Sue Claridge has edited, and been the major contributor of articles to, the AWHC Newsletter since 2017. The Newsletter publishes researched, evidence-based information on health issues and the health sector, particularly focussing on issues in women's health in a wide range of topics.
Melanoma New Zealand: Archetype researched, wrote and produced two guides for melanoma patients: Understanding Early Melanoma and Understanding Advanced Melanoma. These booklets were designed to help melanoma patients understand some of what they would experience from the time they were diagnosed, some of the terminology that they would hear, some of the tests and treatment options that may be offered, and some of the issues they may face. The book was researched and cited the most up-to-date medical literature and guidelines for treatment of melanoma and was peer reviewed by New Zealand melanoma experts.
Breast Cancer Network (NZ) Inc: Sue Claridge was the researcher-writer-editor of the Breast Cancer Network magazine, Upfront U Kaiora, from 2003 to 2016. In seventy-five editions of the magazine she wrote a wide range of articles, including researched medical stories, interviews with health professionals, personal stories and articles about life after breast cancer.
In addition to Upfront U Kaiora, Sue undertook ad hoc writing work for the Breast Cancer Network, including the writing, compilation and editing of the Conference Proceedings for the 1st New Zealand National Conference for those affected by breast cancer in 2007, press releases, and articles for publication in other media.
JR McKenzie Trust: Archetype undertook a project for the JR McKenzie Trust See Here Project, which involved summarising and abridging an evaluation document from 8000 words to just over 2000 words for a final document entitled Challenges and Lessons in Advocacy by Community Organisations.
Sweet Louise Inc: A literature review of the medical literature on therapies, practices and activities that may result in improvements in quality of life for women with metastatic breast cancer, including the benefits of acupuncture, counseling and emotional support, diet, exercise, meditation, positive mind techniques and yoga.
Brand Developers: Four books on different aspects of health (osteoarthritis, prostate, liver and colon health), and medical sections on various body systems for a fifth book, including sections on the digestive, cardiovascular, musculo-skeletal and immune systems, plus sections on cancer, diabetes, and stress, anxiety and depression, including a review of the medical literature on the nutritional and health benefits of selected fruits, vegetables and grains.
Sparkplug: Re-writing, editing and compilation of Tu Kotahi, a paper detailing the evolution of the partnership between the Crown and Ngāti Tūwharetoa, and the Crown's involvement in the Lake Taupō and Lake Rotoaira Forests.