"Research is formalised curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose."
Zora Neale Hurston
Research is the foundation of good writing!
Archetype offers highly developed literature review and desktop research skills for scientific, academic and general research. A range of print and electronic media is utilised, including the internet, academic and scientific journals and periodicals, searches of local agency archives, historical information, and municipal and university libraries.
Archetype can present the results of such research as summaries or bibliographies, or can present information in a more detailed and formal written format involving text and graphics.
Interview-based Research
Research may also take the form of personal interviews with staff, sector professionals and consumers. Sue Claridge has written numerous articles based on interviews with a range of people, in particular in her role as writer/editor of the Breast Cancer Network magazine Upfront U Kaiora for 13 years.
Selected Research Projects and Clients
Auckland Women's Health Council: researched, evidence-based articles on health issues and the health sector, particularly focussing on issues in women's health in a wide range of topics, for the AWHC Newsletter. Additionally Sue Claridge has undertaken a substantial body of research for submissions written on behalf of the Auckland Women's Health Council, including: Health and disability research involving adult participants who are unable to provide informed consent; Health (National Cervical Screening Programme) Amendment Bill; and NEAC Draft National Ethics Standards for Health and Disability Research.
Melanoma New Zealand: Archetype researched, wrote and produced two guides for melanoma patients: Understanding Early Melanoma and Understanding Advanced Melanoma. These booklets were designed to help melanoma patients understand some of what they would experience from the time they were diagnosed, some of the terminology that they would hear, some of the tests and treatment options that may be offered, and some of the issues they may face. The book was researched and cited the most up-to-date medical literature and guidelines for treatment of melanoma and was peer reviewed by New Zealand melanoma experts.
Sweet Louise Inc: Review of the medical literature on improvements in quality of life for women with metastatic breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Network (NZ) Inc. (2003 - 2016): Research into the issues that impact on New Zealanders affected by breast cancer using a wide variety of sources including the medical literature, and interviewing health professionals, researchers, breast cancer patients and their supporters.
Brand Developers: Research using the internet and medical literature a series of health books on osteoarthritis, prostate, colon and liver health, and the medicinal and nutritional value of a wide range of plant foods.
Netpointers: Interviewing Netpointers clients for information for press releases on the success of their Search Engine Optimisation services.
Freelance Research: Research for freelance articles for Organic New Zealand, Fitness Life and pink magazines.